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Thealoz Duo Gel contains trehalose 3%, sodium hyaluronate 0.15% and carbomer 0.25% in a preservative free gel formulation
Trehalose helps protect corneal cells from the osmotic stress of a dry eye environment, by regulating the movement of water across cell membranes,stabilising the lipid bilayer2 and preventing the denaturation of proteins under osmotic stress conditions3,4
Trehalose enhances TFEB (Transcription factor EB) activity, a key regulator of autophagy.5,6 In this way, cell renewal is promoted and apoptosis and the associated inflammation is reduced.5
Sodium hyaluronate adds moisture by retaining water to hydrate and lubricate the surface of the eye

Trehalose is a clinically proven bioprotective gel indicated for treatment of moderate to severe dry eye disease, providing osmoprotection and bioprotection for cells on the corneal surface.1-6 The viscosity of the gel formulation increases residency time in the eye, making it particularly suitable for night time use.

Products containing preservatives can cause ocular surface toxicity, leading to inflammation and cell death. Using preservative-free eye drops supports the health of the ocular surface.


Contact lenses should be removed before using Thealoz Duo Gel and reinserted 30 minutes after instilling the gel. If more than one ocular product is being used, 15 minutes should be allowed between instillation of two different products, with Thealoz Duo Gel used last.

Thealoz Duo Gel and Thealoz Duo eye drops can be used concurrently for maximum comfort.


  1. Yancey PH. J Exp Biol 2005;208 (pt15):2819-30.
  2. Luycux J, Baudoin C. Clin Ophthalmol 2011;5:577-581.
  3. Jain NK et al. Protein Sci 2009;18:24-36.
  4. TFOS DEWS II Report. Ocul Surf 2017;580-635.
  5. Uchida et al. J Toxicol Pathol 2014;27:153-158.
  6. Zhang et al. Autophagy 2014;10(4): 88-602.
  7. Connor AJ, Severn PS.
Manufacturer Thea
Brand Thealoz Duo Gel
Usability after opening Single use
Delivery time 1-3 working days
Available in stock Yes
Preservative No
Comments Contact lenses should be removed before using Thealoz Duo Gel and reinserted 30 minutes after instilling the gel.