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General Terms and Conditions of the online store

In order to use the online store owned by SIA B&L Group, registration number 40103203327, legal address Brīvības iela 155 k3, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia, and/or to make purchases on the above-mentioned website, we ask you to read and agree to the set of purchase rules of SIA B&L Group stated below.


Definition of Terms

Buyer – a private person who places an order on the online store website and is the recipient of the ordered product. The Buyer uses the products purchased on the online store website for his own personal needs, as well as for needs of his family members and relatives, or for other purposes.


Seller –, SIA B&L Group.


Online store – the Internet website that has the following address in the Internet network: On the online store website, Buyers can order the Seller’s products and read the payment and delivery terms.


Website –


Product – a material item that is put into goods circulation and is offered for sale on the website.


Order – a Buyer’s order for delivery of a selected product to the Buyer’s specified address, which is placed in the appropriate manner on the website.


1. General Terms

1.1. The owner and administrator of the website is SIA B&L Group;


1.2. Under these terms, SIA B&L Group sells products placed on the online store website of SIA B&L Group: The Buyer buys and accepts the product in accordance with the product range, indicating it in the order placed on the online store website. Property right to the product shall be transferred to the Buyer on the day when the purchase price of the product has been fully paid and received;


1.3. These Terms as well as the information about the product placed on the website are publicly available;


1.4. Mutual relations between the Buyer and the Seller are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia;


1.5. SIA B&L Group reserves the right to amend these Terms, and any amendments shall come into force on the day when they are published on the website;


1.6. If a product sale agreement (order) is concluded on the online store website, it means that a distance contract is concluded between SIA B&L Group and the Buyer;


1.7. The online store is freed from any liability for losses incurred due to the fact that the Buyer does not comply with all the recommendations given to him and his own obligations, as well as has not read the Terms of Use of the online store even though such opportunity was available to him;


1.8. If the Buyer fails to comply with these Terms, SIA B&L Group reserves the right to refuse delivery of the services to the Buyer, terminate the access to the website, and unilaterally cancel the orders.


2. Registration and Personal Data Security

2.1. Ordering is available to the Buyer with or without registration;


2.2. Making a purchase, the Buyer shall enter his name, surname, delivery address, telephone number, e-mail address and other data necessary for the delivery or invoicing. To re-enter the website, it is necessary to sign up by entering e-mail and password in the corresponding fields.


2.3. The Seller is not responsible for accuracy and reliability of the information provided by the Buyer in the registration form;


2.4. If the Buyer signs up for an account on the website, it is considered that the Buyer:


2.4.1. has agreed to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the procedure set in the regulatory enactments;


2.4.2. has obtained registration data (username and password). The Buyer is responsible for his registration data security. The Buyer undertakes not to disclose his username and password indicated in the registration form. If the Buyer suspects that his username and password have become known to or are used by a third party, the Buyer undertakes to immediately inform the Seller by sending a letter to . The letter shall be sent from the e-mail address indicated in the registration form;


2.5. By agreeing to these Terms of Use, the Buyer agrees to receive notifications related to order, payment and delivery information on the specified e-mail address;


2.6. SIA B&L Group guarantees that the Buyer’s data will be used only for the product purchase and direct marketing purposes;


2.7. SIA B&L Group undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s data to third parties, except for SIA B&L Group’s partners who supply products to the Buyer or provide other services related to an order;


2.8. At the time of delivery of the product, the recipient may be asked to produce identity documents in order to establish the identity of the person;


2.9. Personal data security is governed by the Personal Data Protection Law.


3. Procedures and Rules for Ordering

3.1. Procedure for purchasing on the online store website is governed by the Cabinet of Ministers’ Regulations No.207 “Regulations on Distance Contracts” with the amendments issued before 15 March 2005. The Cabinet of Ministers’ Regulations state that the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 (fourteen) days of the purchase and return the product back to the Seller. Product return shipping costs shall be borne by the Buyer;


3.2. The Buyer selects required product on the online store website. The order is placed in accordance with his choice;


3.3. When placing an order for a product, the Buyer shall enter data required for delivery of the product: his name, surname, address to which the product will be delivered, telephone number, e-mail address, and additional information which may be necessary for the delivery of the selected product and invoicing. The online store confirms that the Buyer’s data will be used only for the delivery of the product, as well as for invoicing.


3.4. The Buyer shall select one of the possible methods of payment to the online store (more information provided under the Payment Procedure section). At the same time, the Buyer can only choose one of the payment methods offered by the Seller. Making a payment, the Buyer confirms that he agrees to be present at the address indicated in the order at the specified time, or his representative, who is able to receive the order, will be present at the indicated address.


3.5. Once the Buyer has placed an order, the online store system automatically sends to the Buyer an e-mail with the list of the ordered products, product prices, product delivery costs, applied discounts (if any), and the total payment amount.


3.6. Execution of an order starts after the receipt of the payment from the Buyer. If the payment has not been received within 15 working days, the order is cancelled. The Buyer will receive an e-mail with the information stating that the placed order has been cancelled;


3.7. The order placed by the Buyer will be stored in the online store database only for registered users;


3.8. The offer prices of the products published on the online store website are valid as long as the particular product is in stock, unless otherwise is specified in the information about the product;


3.9. Selecting a product, the Buyer confirms that he has a medical prescription from a competent ophthalmologist, optometrist or other specialist, with the characteristics of the required product specified in it.


3.10. In all cases of placing an order, it is considered that the Buyer has read and unreservedly agrees to all the Terms of the online store, as well as other terms specified at the time of ordering.


4. Order Execution Time

4.1. The online store undertakes to deliver the product to the Buyer in accordance with the time limit specified in the product description. If the Seller does not have the specified product in stock, the Buyer will be notified that the ordered product is not available. After the order has been placed, the Seller’s representative will contact the Buyer by e-mail or telephone to inform the Buyer about changes in the delivery time of the product and agree on the order processing time;


4.2. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases, the delivery of a product can be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond the control of the online store. In this case, the online store undertakes to immediately get in touch with the Buyer and settle the delivery issues;


4.3. In any case, the online store is freed from responsibility for delivery delay if a product has not been delivered to the Buyer or has been delivered to the Buyer untimely due to the Buyer’s fault or other circumstances dependent on the Buyer.


5. Online Store’s Obligations Related to Products

5.1. All products that are traded on are purchased from producers or their authorised representatives;


5.2. The online store undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the product of the required quality which complies to the requirements prescribed in the order;


5.3. The online store undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the quantity of products specified in the order;


6. Delivery

6.1. Delivery of products to the Buyer is carried out in all the regions of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as well as other European Union countries;


6.2. Delivery of products to the Buyer is carried out in a manner chosen by the Buyer, after the purchase price and the selected delivery service costs have been paid;


6.3. When selecting the delivery method, the Buyer shall indicate the exact delivery address;


6.4. Products are delivered to the Buyer by SIA B&L Group’s representative or his authorised representative;


6.5. The Buyer undertakes to receive the product in person. If the Buyer cannot receive the product in person and the product has been delivered to the specified address in accordance with the data provided by the Buyer, the Buyer has no right to advance claims against the online store for the delivery of the product to a wrong address;


6.6. Upon receipt of the delivered product, the Buyer together with the online store’s authorised representative shall inspect the condition of the order. Once the Buyer has signed the invoice (bill of lading) or another document proving the fact of the acceptance and transfer of the product, it is considered that the order has been delivered in proper condition. If it is found that the packaging has been damaged, the Buyer shall note it in the invoice (bill of lading) or another document proving the fact of the acceptance and transfer of the product, as well as drawn up a certificate for damaged product in free form together with the online store’s authorised representative. If the Buyer fails to take these measures, the online store shall be released from liability to the Buyer for damage of the product, provided that it is damage to the package integrity which has not been noted by the Buyer in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure.


6.7 Delivery (transport) charge is calculated in accordance with the mass of the product and the delivery point. The charge is automatically calculated when drawing up an order, and is shown before the final order confirmation.


6.8. SIA B&L Group reserves the right not to deliver the product if the Buyer has not made the payment.


7. Product Prices and Payment Procedure

7.1. On the online store website, product prices are indicated in the euro currency, excluding the VAT rates applied in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.


7.2. SIA B&L Group’s online store offers the following payment methods:


7.2.1. SIA B&L Group’s can offer credit limit for the customers;


7.2.2. Invoice which should be paid before the ordered products are shipped out


7.3. Payment shall be made otherwise the Buyer will not receive confirmation email;


8. Intellectual Property

8.1. All publications and information materials published on the online store website are provided for information only, and SIA B&L Group reserves the right to amend and delete such information;


8.2. Product descriptions are made in accordance with the specifications provided by the manufacturer and/or the manufacturer’ representative or information available in another place and can be amended due to some changes, modifications or package changes introduced by the manufacturer.


9. Product Quality and Warranty

9.1. All properties of the products sold in the online store are specified in product description for each item;


9.2. Products available on are subject to the warranty established in the relevant regulatory enactments;


9.3. If a product does not comply to the Terms of the Agreement, the Buyer has the right to ask SIA B&L Group to make one of the following actions:


9.3.1. to eliminate non-compliance with the Terms of the Agreement;


9.3.2. to replace the product with another product which would ensure compliance with the Terms of the Agreement;


9.3.3. to reduce the product price accordingly;


9.3.4. to cancel the Agreement and refund the Buyer for the amount paid for the product.


9.4. First, the Buyer is entitled to request to eliminate non-compliance of the product with the Terms of the Agreement free of charge, or to replace the product with another product complying with the Terms of the Agreement free of charge, except where it is impossible or is unreasonable (it is unreasonable if it causes the online store costs which are not proportionate to the other alternative methods specified in Paragraph 9.3 hereof, taking into account the value of the product without the non-compliance, significance of the non-compliance and the fact whether use of an alternative method causes significant inconvenience to the consumer);


9.5. If it is impossible to eliminate non-compliance of the product with the Terms of the Agreement or to replace the product with another product complying with the Terms of the Agreement free of charge, the Buyer is entitled to ask to reduce the product price, cancel the Agreement and refund the amount paid for the product. When reducing the price, cancelling the Agreement and refunding the paid amount, may take into account the depreciation of the product or the benefit that the Buyer has gained by using this product, upon agreement of the parties;


9.6. In case of minor non-compliance (if it does not significantly undermine the quality of the essential functions or properties of the product and can be eliminated without visually detectable changes in the product’s appearance) or non-compliance which cannot significantly affect the Buyer’s ability to use the product, the Buyer cannot ask SIA B&L Group to cancel the Agreement and refund the amount paid for the product;


9.7. The Buyer can make claims and requests to SIA B&L Group with regard to non-compliance of the product with the Terms of the Agreement both orally and in writing, by sending a submission to the address Brīvības iela 155 k3, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia. After the examination of the claim, SIA B&L Group will provide an answer to the Buyer.


10. Right of Withdrawal

10.1. The Buyer cannot use the right of withdrawal if:


10.1.1. the delivery of the service which was commenced before the expiry of the right of withdrawal has been fully completed, provided that the Buyer has expressly agreed and confirmed that he loses his right of withdrawal from the date when the Service Agreement is fully implemented;


10.1.2. The product or service price depends on financial market fluctuations which are beyond the control of the Seller or the service provider and which may arise during the period of the right of withdrawal;


10.1.3. The product is produced or ordered in accordance with the Buyer’s instructions or the product is clearly personalised. The product return policy does not apply to contact lenses (toric, multifocal and coloured) which have been ordered and produced in accordance with individual instructions. Such lenses are subject to the warranty terms;


10.1.4. The product is perishable or is about to expire;


10.1.5. The Buyer has opened the packaging of the product which cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons;


10.1.6. Due to the specific properties of the product, after the delivery, it has irretrievably mixed with other items;


10.1.7. The Buyer has purchased medical products, medical devices and dietary supplements which require certain storage conditions (humidity, light, temperature restrictions, etc.);


10.2. SIA B&L Group can replace contact lenses only if they have a production defect and their packaging has not been opened, as well as the original packaging and the purchasing documents have been preserved. In order to determine whether it is a production defect, it is necessary to perform an expert examination.


11. Product Return Procedure

11.1. The Buyer is obliged to immediately notify product return, according to the individual agreement which are made between the SIA B&L Group and the Clients company.


Product return procedure:


11.1.1. SIA B&L Group has the right to reject acceptance of the returned product and not to return the money, if the quality or original packaging of the product has not been preserved, or the term of the right of withdrawal has not been observed;


11.1.3. SIA B&L Group may withhold the refund until the product is returned or the proof of the product return is provided, depending on whichever is the earlier.


11.1.4. When returning or replacing the product, the Buyer shall bear transport risks and costs;


11.1.5. In case of product return, the transport costs (delivery charges) are not refunded.


11.1.6. The Buyer shall send the product to SIA B&L Group’s address: B&L Group, Brīvības iela 155 k3, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia.


12. Other Provisions

12.1. The relations between the Buyer and SIA B&L Group are governed by these Terms and Conditions, as well as by the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia;


12.2. In case of questions or discrepancies, the Buyer shall contact the Customer Service of SIA B&L Group by phone or e-mail. The parties shall try to resolve all discrepancies by negotiation. The Buyer, who is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Rights Protection Law (natural person who buys a product for purposes which are not linked to economic or professional activity), can exercise and protect his consumer’s legal rights in accordance with the procedure established by the Consumer Rights Protection Law and the related regulatory enactments. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be referred to the court in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia;


12.3. In case of any questions or uncertainties SIA B&L Group online store by e-mail: or by phone +371 67376778.